One Level up!

 Do not try to solve the problem at the level where it has been created; Someone so well said. Go one level up and find the solution from that perspective. Do you need someone's support to reach there or your are good on your own? Here is the way I feel - 

    Bhagwat Gita says there are only four genuine problems to which human has no control; Birth, Sickness, growing old, and Death. Rest all other problems are our creation because of unbalanced senses and speculations which we often get confused by our so called conviction. 

    Self realisation is important which may help us to a certain extent. Why it is limited because there is word "Self" associated with Realisation. Besides knowing ourselves, we should also be aware of over surroundings through teachings from our Gurus as they are carrying tons of experience from the past. Why to waste time reinvent the wheel. This leads us to next question; which Guru? Where are they and  how to choose one who is authentic. It's not too difficult to my mind. 

    Mother Nature has offered so many; i.e. Birds out to pick and feed their chicks regardless of weather conditions. Bees to relentlessly take the nectar to produce Honey for their New-Bees. Beside that, good books from famous authors and monks i.e. Vedic scriptures, Gita, Puranas, Sutras, Upanishad, Bible, Kuran and so on. Yes, we still need Guru with flash and blood but he who has wisdom from Guru Parampara. Even before your hectic search of authentic Guru, we need some basic qualification. Our bodies are made of five elements, Fire, Air, Water, Ether, and Earth. 

    With reference to four genuine problems our body is mare illusion that we are creating to run this system of life. What's real is the energy that runs our body; The Soul. We constantly needs to remind ourselves that we are not this Body but Soul. However, attraction to material world is so very strong that we get often pulled by it and we are back to square one. But if we are somehow able to sense our soul and not let our senses enjoy what it like, we then win. We may fail again and again but continue not to nurture of senses which slowly overpower them and you gain control over it. This is sweet success we soon enjoy. This is the point we are not then shaken by anyone, any situation, happiness, sadness. But here is the great difficulty - how! yes, not an easy thing to control our senses. With little and consistent practice we can concur. I am taking reference from Bhagwat Gita again which says - Mind is powerful than senses, Wisdom is more powerful than mind, Soul is more powerful than mind. Therefore, all we need to feel our Soul to control your senses. One of the strongest sense is Toung. If we are able to escape from what Toung wants half of the race is won. Then it's easy to control other sensory organs. This is the very first step towards self realisation and then it will help us to choose your authentic Guru. 

    Also trust you have answer to all your questions by yourself yet we need Guru who gives us the way forward without starting from scratch. So, next step is picking up books named above which should further cleans your mind. There are several authors who can really manipulate our mind and totally mislead us. Therefore we ought to choose the literature thoughtfully. Bhagwat Gita is not religious book its science. Its rather should be seen as User Manual to live life thoughtfully with proven principles passed from one Guru after another. Those who find it otherwise, either it's not their original thought or they have not yet read or understood Bhagwat Gita. Yes, there is a basic qualification required to appreciate our Vedic Scriptures. Prabhupad founder Acharya of ISKCON International society of Krishna Consciousness explained this with very simple example. He says, "You would not see a person to treat your illness without validating his Medical Education, our an Architect to build your house who is not qualified Engineer. Same way, you cannot sense the confidential knowledge unless you surrender yourself to a Guru who will give you a way to be a Self Realised Soul". 

We can make mistakes to learn from it and move on, but not to beat yourself and do nothing. Continue to focus on our duties then its outcome with reference to Gita again. This will free us up from dualities and remain resilient event in the most default situations.  

Taking small steps is important towards the joinery of Self realisation. Tts needs perseverance and constant fight with our own senses. Go for it promising ourself and faith on one of the Gurus that we have chosen and we shall concur one day. 

Then we can go one level up to solve the Problem that our minds has created!!
