
One Level up!

 Do not try to solve the problem at the level where it has been created; Someone so well said. Go one level up and find the solution from that perspective. Do you need someone's support to reach there or your are good on your own? Here is the way I feel -       Bhagwat Gita says there are only four genuine problems to which human has no control; Birth, Sickness, growing old, and Death. Rest all other problems are our creation because of unbalanced senses and speculations which we often get confused by our so called conviction.       Self realisation is important which may help us to a certain extent. Why it is limited because there is word "Self" associated with Realisation. Besides knowing ourselves, we should also be aware of over surroundings through teachings from our Gurus as they are carrying tons of experience from the past. Why to waste time reinvent the wheel. This leads us to next question; which Guru? Where are they and  how to choose one who is authentic. It&#